Esther Neal has been a great blessing to us at the Vineyard. When she leads worship for the whole church or in a smaller group or outreach program, the Spirit and the peace of God fill the room. We consider her ministry of worship very precious to the whole body of Christ. I can vouch for her sweetness of nature, her purity of motive and her humility before Jesus.
Carol Wimber (Co-founder of The Vineyard Church Movement)
Pastor Dave Arnold
Strategic Initiatives
Saddleback Church, Lake Forest, CA.
"I have had the pleasure of working with Esther Rose Neal and have experienced first hand her amazing giftedness of leading worship. God has blessed her as a talented and gifted Worship Leader.
Recently Esther lead Worship for a marriage retreat that I personally helped plan and then attended with my wife. It was clear that all of the participants were inspired, moved, and encouraged in their Worship times with her. Esther's leading in Worship invited God's presence into the room and drew us into a personal intimate time with the Lord as well as into corporate unity. Her Worship times were pivital in preparing and softening the attending couple's hearts to experience the purpose of the retreat.
I would highly recommend Esther Rose Neal for any retreat, conference, or ministry gathering where a worship presence is desired.
Tamara Doss
God's Amazing Plans Blogger, Writer and Author
Extraordinary Women Ministry Leader
HOLY Matrimony Marriage Ministry Leader 951-202-3567
"It is with great pleasure and honor to share with you about my friend and ministry partner Esther Rose Neal. If you are considering a Worship Leader for a Retreat, Women's event, Marriage event or even a Prayer event, I highly recommend Esther Rose Neal. Esther has blessed our Women's Ministry at Corona Friends Church called Extraordinary Women many times with her spirit filled worship. She has served us at our Women's Retreats and has even blessed us at our Marriage Ministry, HOLY Matrimony.
Esther has been gifted and anointed with many of the gifts of the Spirit....Prayer, Worship, Discernment and Healing. Her energy and passion for the Lord and the supernatural gift of reflecting His love for His broken hearted comes through as she leads worship and ushers in the Holy Spirit. She is so soft spoken, kind, humble and ready to serve wherever God calls her....inside the church or outside the church. At our ministry gatherings when she is leading, it is inevitable that women will get a glimpse of a Jesus they never knew before and recognize their worth in their Father's eyes...precious and valuable....saved by His love and sacrifice on the cross. The story begins to take life when worshipping in the Spirit and we have witnessed it countless times within her Worship. Women have surrender their pains and shames within the midst of her leading and I can't wait to worship with her again.
If you are searching for your next Worship Leader inside or outside of the church....Esther Rose Neal is a gift from God. Blessed to be a blessing!"
Nancy Jernigan, M.Min.
Literary Agent / Church Consultant
Hidden Value Group
"Esther brings a level of worship experience that is unparalleled and her
unique ability to create an atmosphere where each person can seek to hear
from God is inspiring."
"Esther Rose Neal is one of the most inspiring worship leaders I have encountered. Her authentic words, unique sound, kind heart for people and love for God are a rare combination! Any group, large or intimate will be transformed!
Jene & Evie Wilson – Directors of AMERICAN FAMILY LIVING
“I have heard a lot of music artists and music ministry over the years, but Esther Rose Neal’s is different and special.”
“If a ministry is looking for a musician who will minister under the anointing of God’s Holy Spirit and power Esther is the one.”
Jeff Jernigan, PhD, President/CEO
27758 Santa Margarita Pkwy, #361
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
Los Angeles - Chicago - Denver
"In thirty years of ministry spanning thirty-eight countries I have worked with many worship leaders; none as discerning of the pastor’s heart, the crowd’s disposition, or the Spirit’s leading as Esther.
“Esther brings a deep love of Christ, compassion for those seeking His touch, and a passion for worship that connects the seeker with the Savior in a profoundly personal manner."
"Esther Rose Neal is one of those exceptional worship leaders that changes lives out of humility and a deep love for Jesus Christ. For many years Nancy and I have watched her ministry grow as songwriter, composer, musician, and leader of worship ministry teams. We have served together in church ministry, conferences, prayer services, and other gatherings and are amazed at her devotional artistry.
Edie Bos : Director of Worship & Women’s Ministry Director
Corona Friends Church, CA. (951)505-7791
"I have known Esther for 4 years and am so continually blessed by her personally and how the Lord Ministers through her gift in song. 4 years ago as my husband and I were called to Pastor Corona Friends Church, Esther Rose Neal was on staff as the Worship Leader there already for 3 years. We were so blessed and honored to sit under her worship for a year before God called her out to minister outside the walls of this one church. God ministered in such a depth and so much of His heart was felt through her leading and obedience to Him as she was led by His Spirit. I have seen healing flow through her ministry in worship.We have continued to stay connected with Esther as she continues to stay true to her calling. We call on her as the Lord leads to come and be a part of special events as our special guest. I believe the Lord wants to use her in an even greater way to the masses. I can’t say enough of her diligence, her allegiance, her steadfastness, and loyalty to her Father in heaven and to those who know her. Esther Rose Neal is one of the most precious daughters in Christ that I know and her gifts and talents are incredible. Our prayer is that God will open the doors wide and that others are and will be blessed beyond imagination by Esther’s ministry in song and word. May the Lord get all the glory for how He uses His vessels.
“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” John
Kay Poland – Program / Music Director
“I highly recommend the music of Esther Rose Neal. It is straightforward and God honoring. Her vocal style is unique and engaging.”
Graydon Jessup – Former Senior Pastor, EASTSIDE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, Fullerton, CA.
“She (Esther) has been used by the Lord in a variety of places, small and large, intergenerational or women’s retreats, it really doesn’t seem to matter. Wherever she is she is gifted to connect people with the Lord through music.”
Michael Stafford – Minister of Music and Arts
“I find that her music is fresh, innovative and speaks across ethnic and generational boundaries. She is top notch as a person of faith, a performer, entertainer and minister. She will be a blessing wherever she finds herself.”
Leslie Butler - Minister of Music, ANTIOCH MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH
"Esther Neal’s live performances are full of heart, excitement and the necessary energy to captivate an audience. Her ministry is overflowing with compassion and devotion and her songs set an encouraging bright mood. Finally, Esther Neal is an exceptional musician and there should be no hesitation in your commitment to her as a writer or performing artist."
Curtis Jessup - Former Associate Pastor of Discipleship, EASTSIDE CHRISTIAN CHURCH
"The Lord has given Esther a gift to connect and relate not only to long time Christians but to those who are on the edge with the faith or who are seeking for truth in their lives. I highly recommend Esther as a worship leader or for Christian Concerts / Outreach events and am confident she will bring honor and glory to the Lord in whatever area of ministry she is involved."
"Whether a classic hymn, the newest praise music or a song that Esther wrote herself, the room was filled with a genuine spirit of worship. Her new CD is an honest look at the triumphs and struggles of the Christian life presented with real heart. I know that Esther’s love for the Lord drives her to share her faith as often as she possibly can and this music is such a great opportunity to do just that."
Esther Rose Neal - "Return" Review
Being given a gift from the Lord, such as one for music is a blessing
in itself. There are many wonderful music ministries out there. Some
are gifted song writers, some are vocalists, some play the
instruments. Some write the music and for some their offering is to
collaborate on the total projects continuity. Few are able to combine
it all in one package.
The ability of putting all these endowments together into a single
mission and achieve a reverent album that honors the Lord, is truly an
act of God. You will find the complete scale of talents Ms. Neal has
been gifted with in this album "Return".
Esther Rose Neal is able to connect and project with her music her
sincere love of the Lord. You find yourself listening because she
delivers a compelling, sincere and inspiring testimony about the 'free
and uncontested love of Jesus Christ'. All her songs on this project
are positive, uplifting and encouraging. Her style and performances
are not generation specific. She has a beautiful voice and is more
than capable of a spiritual softness in "You Delight In Me" and
pop/contemporary beat with the title track, "Return".
On her contact information card it identifies her as 'Singer -
Songwriter - Worship Leader". To that I acknowledge a hearty "Yes" and
add "Recording Artist".
Michael Hughes
Christian Mix Inet
Support Esther's Music Ministry